Life After Bangkit #ep2

Alston Argodi
7 min readMay 26, 2023


helooo we meet again, so today i want to share my story after 6 months since i gradute from bangkit academy this story my next epsiode after first story of #lifeatbangkit. After becoming an Android Development learning path student at Bangkit 2022 and learn all about technical things about Android application development and soft skills also getting the Android Asscoviate Developer certification from Google by Bangkit Academy 2022,My journey to continue the seventh semester has passed then in the 8th semester in 2023 I went on my last journey in college to complete my final assignment not only that there is something interesting for me yeap Bangkit Acamdemy Mentor.first of all it is something that interests me because where I can share and teach 2023 cohorts to learn android together and share what I have learned before in Bangkit 2022, as well as connections where I can get to know more closely with technical instructors about Android Development and soft skills where this is an opportunity for me to get to know and interact more closely with people who are working as android developers and others. Previously, I think something,hmmm being a mentor also coincides with where I am doing my thesis, but this opportunity is also good as a starter for work, where I can learn more about Android development and learn to speak in front of peoples, such as weekly consult and ILT, then I decided to to register as a mentor to Bangkit 2022, then I’m waiting untillll…….

Februrary 8 2023 i got an email about that i’ve been selected and pass to be mobile development mentor in Bangkit Academy 2023, never thought that i will be mentor for 2023 cohorts next day i got onboarding session for the mentor.#mentoring first time after onboarding next day i got my group MD-37 with 28 student and following day my cohort start to joining my group first time i think oh woow that’s a lot, after that some quick introduction about my self and about our lessons in Bangkit Academy 2023.

first ilt session

The following week I have a schedule for another weekly consult which is mentors and cohorts meeting every week to discuss about something Bangkit 2023. Weekly session provides an opportunity for cohorts to consult regarding difficulties in working on submissions or obstacles and questions about android development and soft skills,First day I scheduled an introduction to this session, it gave me pictures related to quite a variety of my cohorts, some came from non-it but really wanted to learn about android development and some of the non-it were quite adept at developing mobile applications well its amazing stuff for me to see these peeps want to learn moree next I will give an explanation regarding courses and others. next ilt we dicuss about andorid development and softskill also not only that sometiems i give a break and games after hectic on course and assignment for my cohorts.

we playing geo guesser

Besides weekly session i usually held an study session on a voice channel with my cohorts, we discuss about Android development whenever my cohorts have difficulty during their learning with the course and also discussed about latest technology in android development

from that picture when me and my cohorts of md-37 learning together about implementation of viewpager in activity also how to use fragment in viewpager, i usuaslly mentoring outside gmeet every night, from this dicuession also we can dicuss together about android development.As usual my cohorts have course like me back on 2022 about basic until intermediate of android development,my mentee working on capstone project and android course from dicoding,

on May my cohorts learned about intermediate in android development and working on their capstone project start at first May after the announcement and start working on a capstone project, some of my cohorts got company capstone projects and rest of them in product capstone, during capstone month i used my weekly session about my experience on capstone project back in bangkit 2022, some i share with my cohort like casptone project management this point where how to manage capstone project from start until end and also some worst case scenario in capstone project also manage team communication and weekly stand up for team. Project Repository how to manage project code propelry and easy to manintance like how to use github during capstone project and git operation, last point also task in mobile development MD role and task in capstone project this point what MD task ussually in capstone project like design the system and application until implementation of app logic.

weekly session

picture when i held weekly session about capstone project for this month sharing about my experince and dicussion about their question in capstone project bangkit 2023, during weekly consult i used a jamboard for my cohorts give their opinions directly and i can answer it easly

jamboard session during weekly consult

jamboard session give cohorts more eastly share their problem directly to mentor also for brain storming to solving their problem, not only keep talking about capstone sometiems i held a game session for my cohorts as relaxation after working hard on capstone project sometimes need to break after grinding on capstone project, my previuos product capstone project

Being a mentor in Bangkit 2023 is fun activity to do besides working on my thesis, as a mentor also gives me opportunity to learn how time management in two activities mentoring and a thesis. at first, I cant manage really well sometimes feel confused but as time goes by I learn manage my time and ta da i can manage really well for those activities also thanks for ILT time management that i got last year and this year also its really insightful for me. Mentor bangkit 2023 also give me free courses and access to other courses like coursera which i can learning more about machine learning ( fun fact my thesis about the implementation of machine learning in Android apps and coursera machine learning course guide me to working on it from calculation until the theory) from i can learn new thing beside android development, i want to say thank you bangkit team for give me this opportunity : )

#rebuild avgeek

beside being mentor of bangkit development in bangkit 2023 i’m really love about aviation stuff at begining of bangkit 2023 i’m trying to looking for 2023 cohorts that have same hobbies, tadaa literlly i got 3 cohorts have same intresting like me and we decided to make a channel in discord server where we can gather, after small chit chat and introduction at friday night we decided to have voice group call Avtalk stands for Aviation Talk : D during Avtalk my cohorts start introduce their self and me as mentor ( funfact they came from diffrent learning path like Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Mobile Development) after that they know each others next topic we just had common aviation topic.

In our avtalk manly about aviation industry our topic ussually about planes, new technology in planes, job vacancy in aviation industry, and internship sharing who been landed in aviation industry previouslu it was so excited to hear them. Avtalk ususally we have every friday night at 8pm and its free for others cohort to join, like in this avtalk we just had sharing session from who got internship in GMF ( Garuda Maintance Facility ) as data analyst and also we have special guest from instructor mas Iga Narendra somehow he’s avgeek too :D

avtalk session with a350 in background

when i was build this small community in bangkit 2023 i feel like refresh again and somehow i manage them to know each more close and help them to got capstone team, build this coomunity it was something because in others channel no-one have weekly talk like us in every friday night :D and also becuase pandemic where i cant meet my community in real life somehow i can make one and many came from others part of indonesia.



Alston Argodi
Alston Argodi

Written by Alston Argodi

Computer science student, intrested in mobile development and machine learning

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